Thursday, July 19, 2018

Don't judge, be kind.


How do you define your life now? Great? Cool? Happy? Sad? Depressed? Miserable? Lifeless? Hopeless? content? can you describe your life? really? Great then. Because there are people who doesn't even know how to tell people about their life. It's not hopeless because there are hopes that keep them going. But at the same time they feel that their life is meaningless.

Well, it's easy to judge when people say that their life is meaningless.
"find some meaning to your life, buddy"
"get your shit done, don't be loser! who does't feel sad anyway"
"get closer to your Creator, you'll be fine then"
"commit to your religion"

I don't say it's wrong to say all those, but have you been in that situation?
situation where you feel like the world is against you. Helpless, suffocating, you're not sad, you being numb, you just not feel anything. And you know how to not feel anything? it sucks. Believe me.

But I don't blame you if you don't understand the situation or you cannot relate because you never been there. You should cherish the moment then because I think it's privilege to feel good about your life. We are living in the world full of hatred, where people are hating each other, bashing each other, hurting each other and full of judgment. It's not easy to live nowadays. Trust me.

All I ask is for you to understand that those people never ask to live that way. It's never their choice but yeah, it happens. So please, don't judge them. Don't be mean. If you cannot help them at least don't judge. Or you can show to them that you care. It's comforting enough.

Be kind.

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