Wednesday, March 14, 2018

" All the Bright Places"

You can find love accidentally. You will never know that you are gonna love someone that you were dislike before. That’s how love works.

“All the Bright Places” book taught me that love can be found in the oddest way and we can find love in almost everything. You can even fall in love with a freak person and a freak person deserves to be in love. There’s no boundaries. Even when you are in numb, love can make you feel again.

I think when you love somebody, you should never be selfish. You should never be hurting alone. Because when you do, your beloved ones will be hurting more. And even it is painful more than anything, you should never take your own life. It’s a selfish act. Your beloved ones will be suffering for the rest of their life. Unfair isn’t it?

So, when you decided to love, don’t be selfish, even if you are freak.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Was alive then gone

Suddenly I'm having one of those moments
that you have after losing someone-
When you feel as if you've been kicked in the stomach and all your breath is gone
and you might never get it back.

I want to sit down on the dirty, littered ground right now and cry until I can't cry anymore

May you rest in peace

Monday, March 5, 2018

Sedih = Perempuan?

"Kehadapan perempuan perempuan yang sedih; berhentilah bersedih.
Kita ini hidup bukan untuk disedihkan"

I beg to differ.
Tiada siapa pilih untuk bersedih.
Fitrah manusia untuk bahagia, suka.
Tapi dengan sedih kita bangkit.
Kita kuat.
Kita belajar.

It's okay to be sad.
It's normal.
Because it's a feeling.