Am I able to do that? Question by question comes to my mind.
Do it is not easy as I say it. I've choose my path then I have to bear the
consequences along the way. Regret shouldn't be exist and giving up is not an
option. Everything that comes through my
way, I’ll consider it as a lesson, good or bad. Lessons which taught me to
become a wiser person, a grown up girl.
Down. Well, I'm not
excluded from it. And most of the times I
feel it when I'm not able to reach my expectations. I'm not a superman who able
to do anything but I can be extraordinary person when I'm able to do what I think
I cannot do. Well, our mind is powerful tool to our body. (I'm using this to motivate myself :D )
Well, bear in mind that life is not always beautiful. There
will be a time which is not pleasurable to taste but everything happens for a
reason. Allah has always plan something better for us :)