Thursday, November 1, 2018


Kalau kau ada satu lagi peluang, apa yang kau nak buat?

Random things have been bothering my mind lately. Kenapa, kita selalu ingat benda-benda jahat yang orang pernah buat pada hidup kita. Whenever their names, photos, or places pass, we easily touched by the 'things' they did. Perasaan yang kalau diingat-ingatkan, macam tak ada kemaafan yang layak diberi. Have you been wondering why people do such things to you?

Satu ketika aku rasa semua yang menyakiti ni memang niatnya jahat. Satu masa aku fikir balik adakah perbuatan aku yang buat dia bertindak jahat? Mungkin salah yang aku nampak sebenarnya berpunca dari aku. Aku mungkin tak akan dapat peluang untuk putar masa, tapi kalau aku boleh ada peluang duduk dan bercakap, I would, rather than writing about them. If only I can sum up into conclusion, and it is my fault, aku nak minta maaf.

Satu ketika pula bila aku terlalu berat memikir perbuatan orang pada aku yang bawa aku ke hari ini, I would really thank them. Kalau tak sakit, mungkin tak bangun. Kalau tak bangun, mungkin tak jumpa yang lebih membahagiakan. Tiap kali itu aku tanya betul ke aku bahagia? Bukan pura-pura? Kalau betul adakah orang yang sakiti aku dulu bahagia jugak? What if I was the one who made them miserable? Macam mana kalau sebenarnya aku yang menyakiti?

So IF ONLY I get the CHANCE, I would rather sit and talk to these kind of person rather than writing about them. I never had that chance.

You need one thing to be human

Why having empathy is important?

You know, when you’re in trouble, you really hope other people could relate to your problem, could understand your situation. That’s where empathy is important.

What is empathy?
Empathy is capacity to understand another person’s point of view; identification with understanding of the thoughts, feelings or emotional state of another person.

When you see someone having problem or situation, try your best to understand the situation and not only look it according to your point of view. If you do that, you might make the situation of the person worse.

One thing you need to understand, everyone of one has different kind “fate” I must say. We are different in our own way. If you could achieve something in certain amount of time, doesn’t mean other people could achieve the same achievement as you. They might achieve something else that you are not. Can you digest what I’m trying to say here? Try to have empathy to other people. Don’t be mean. We have our “own time” to achieve something. Don’t look down to others. Be kind.

Some thought of mine,